Monday, March 24, 2014


Did you know WATERCOLOR is SOOOOOO in right now. You will find it in sheets, decor , clothes and art. Stampin Up is right on  track with Watercolor Wonder on page 23 in the mini. The pics don't do it  justice so here are closeups for you to see how gorgeous the DSP is. April workshop will showcase a card  using the beautiful prints.

They are light and airy working gleefully in our next spring cards. Here are a few more.
There is a matching stamp set on page 22 in the mini and is called HAPPY WATERCOLOR which is a perfect coordinate.
In April we will showcase the paper and the stamp set so if you love it put it on your WISH list.
A few sunny days finally has helped to think in terms of fresh color. Hope you can come on the 14th or the 16 th to be inspired.
Sunny days ahead

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Filling up family time

Hi everyone,
Spring has arrived and with robins everywhere, new life is springing up. So last week my girls were antsy to do something FUN. Since. I am chairman of FUN, I decided to offer them a papercraft.

We do tend to make a mess and spread way out but in the end we are SOOOO blessed by our creations. So let me show you how much fun we had making MORE ALTERED ART. I truly hope a lot of you girls will be in the SPRING swap in April.

Ok here is our mess first and then the ones who made it! Ha ha

Some of our art was sent to Maryland now to uplift spirits and for myself another anniversary for my kids so another Chinese GC inside a handmade ART ENVELOPE. Also gave a package to a friend to uplift someone else's spirits which she delighted in. Hope you enjoy our fun with us and learn to use your scrapbook paper in different ways. Chloe has discovered WASHI TAPE and its merits.

This a great way to use those odd papers which just dont fit any particular thing you are working on.

Sorry the top picture went it wasnt supposed to go but in your mind in goes with the one above. Darn I  pad.
That is all for today but I will have another post soon with the class we just finished DOING OUR easter card and a gorgeous black and white combo one. 
Spring Blessings

Altered Envelope Madness

Good day everyone,

There has been a good bit of interest from the last posting of Altered Envelopes. We really need something totally different did't we??? I will be including more envelope fun from time to time.

So  I have decided to do a swap for my classes and anyone else who wants in. For April to break into spring , you may submit to me an altered envelope which would go into the mail. Use a business sized long envelope. Cover with scrap book paper, or paint the envelope. Make sure you allow some space for a return address, and a place to address it to. The person who receives it may actually send it out!!!!

Ideas are, painting, doodling, mismatching the front and back , mismatching the flap,adding embelishments which would go thru the post. Could use stamps, stickers, drawing, washi tape, and so on. 
You could stamp all over the envelope , but truly it is a great way to use up those odd papers you have that just dont fit a card or scrapbook page.Also a great way to rid your drawers of those last embellishments as well so you can go forward. You do NOT have to attend classes to do this swap ,just make sure I receive the envelopes in a timely fashion.
These are anniversary front and back my girls made. Now check out the ALICE one for my fun cousin who collects Alice in Wonderland.

How could you not love these?? Swaps must be to me by April 16 a wed so when the 2 classes are in I can swap with wed nite group. There is no fee, just BE FUN ,and consider doing your best work.
If you need more instruction to make them just call me at 814-479-7610 or 814-266-3566 and I will walk you thru. You may submit more than one and will recieve one for one which will hive you tons of ideas. I will post or email all the entries. If we are successful in this swap we could do a differnt swap every few month. 
Happy creating girls!!!
Spring feeling Donna

Sunday, March 9, 2014


It is finally getting to the first stages of spring here in Pa. It has inspired me to create more art in these sunny days.
My daughter and son in law have an anniversary this week , so since I  am feeling so creative instead of a tradition card,  I used the concept of the ALTERED ENVELOPE . They so LOVE chinese so I not only picked  up their gift certificate , but decided to add the chopsticks. The business sized envelope helped me to add them so easily along with the gift.
I hope they enjoy how unique this was!! Here is the picture of their gift!,

Isn' this the cutest idea. I will deliver later today. I even used pussy willows for spring on the back cover.

When my grandaughter came to see me last week and saw the art all done , she said please send me MAIL ART. So of course, since I love her ----- and they are addictive, I put this one in the mail yesterday. The concept was changed slightly by using a much larger wedding style envelope. She loves pinks and purples so. I made sure to use her favorite colors in my inspiration. 

For those of you who want to create this  MAIL ART, use those unusual sheets of scrapbook paper that stay in your pads, and try WASHI TAPE, along with magazine pictures, ephemera, and those colored and printed scraps of paper you have saved. If you lay them all out in front of you, the choices will start to gather themselves together , in color, style or theme. Try it and let me know what you are creating. I would love to see those ideas.

Do you like this more general art better? Leave me a comment in the comment box and tell which you like better.
Have to go and get ready for my classes this week so enjoy the spring day!
Sunny thoughts 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Altered envelopes

Hi everyone,
While surfing the web, I came across this wonderful lady's blog that caught my eye. Everything she does is bright and colorful raising your spirits high. I wrote to her and she shared this cute idea.
So for class we made these altered envelopes in a classy 40,s style. Of course you may do different styles so I will post some for you. This one is the actual one we made in class which the girls adored.

 The next one is a variation but still using a vintage theme and some pics from my collection!
So now just scroll down and see some of the others. If you want more details just let me know!!
Soooooo you say what will I do with them. You may give them as a gift with a gift certificate inside, or give a few together tied with ribbon to a very special friend. They can be addressed or sent directly to a person. 

A different twist on the subject could be using them for small items in your office----postage stamps, paperclips, rubberbands , etc. Oh see now you understand!!!!!!!

Beware!!! They are addictive so be prepared to use  up some of that unusual scrapbook paper and stickers. You can doodle, paint, stitch or glue anything on them to your hearts desire.

Well that is all for today. Enjoy making some of these made on business sized white envelopes.
Share one with a friend. And make sure you make one for ME!!
See you soon